Monday, 21 October 2019

Why Progressive Web Applications (PWA) Make JavaScript Frameworks Obsolete

Why Progressive Web Applications (PWA) Make JavaScript Frameworks ObsoletePWAs depend on service workers, a powerful background script. They can perform much of the work servers & JavaScript frameworks do, making frameworks obsolete.


Saturday, 12 October 2019

Chrome to Block HTTPS/HTTP Mixed Content by February 2020

Chrome to Block HTTPS/HTTP Mixed Content by February 2020Chrome will start blocking mixed HTTPS/HTTP content in Chrome 79. This will affect sites loaded over HTTPS, but loading non-secure, HTTP, resources.


Friday, 11 October 2019

Why jQuery is Obsolete and Time to Stop Using It

Why jQuery is Obsolete and Time to Stop Using ItjQuery revolutionized how the web works. Today, web standards have caught up and surpassed jQuery features, its time to use native APIs instead.


Wednesday, 9 October 2019

BingBot Migrates to Using Chromium Based Microsoft Edge

BingBot Migrates to Using Chromium Based Microsoft EdgeMicrosoft's Bing search bot now uses the latest Microsoft Edge browser to render pages. This will have impact in the SEO community.


The PubCon Schedule Progressive Web App

The PubCon Schedule Progressive Web AppThe PubCon Schedule Progressive Web App puts the schedule in your palm, even when the conference Wi-Fi is failing you.
